Internet Assist Service
Light internet User
>Free install
>Retail Price $9.99 per month + taxes
> No additional fees (Internet recovery, Home networking or Modem Rental)
>Available in all system
HSD Offers (Ohio Only)
Base Internet
Promo: $50.59/month x 6months
Rolls to $75.59 EDP
Unli Superfast
Promo $57.99/month x 6months
Rolls to $107.99 EDP
Unli Gigafast
Promo $69.99/month x 6months
Rolls to $140.39/$130.39
Unli Fast
Promo $57.19/month x 6months
Rolls to $97.19/$92.19
Unli Ultrafast
Promo $58.79/month x 6months
Rolls to $118.79/$108.79
Wifi Your Way
Gateway + WYW up to 2 Superpods & App $17.99 rate/month
Note: Cx owned modem/router will not rent from us $0.00
Subract $10 for Autopay & Ecosave credit if cx signs upfor Autopay & E-Billing
HSD Offers (Ohio Only)
Base Internet
Promo: $39.99/month x 6months
Rolls to $49.99 EDP
Unli Fast
Promo $39.99/month x 6months
Rolls to $59.99 EDP
Unli Ultrafast
Promo $39.99/month x 6months
Rolls to $69.99/month EDP
Unli Gigafast
Promo $39.99/month x 6months
Rolls to $79.99 EDP
Wifi Your Way
Gateway + WYW up to 2 Superpods & App $14.99 rate/month
Note: Cx owned modem/router will not rent from us $0.00
Subract $10 for Autopay & Ecosave credit if cx signs upfor Autopay & E-Billin
Base Internet
~Light Users
* Uses the internet for checking emails, social media, shop online & browsing
*4-6 devices connected at once
Unli Fast Internet
~Moderate Users
*recreational gamers, streams video, download music, homeschoolers & work from home
*10-12 devices connected at once
*NH, ME, CT & OH markets will be less expensive than other markets at EDP due to competetive nature of these markets
Unli Superfast
~Ultra Users
*Heavy gamers, multiple devices connected at the same time
*10-12 devices connected at once
*Provides max bandwidth & speed for sharing files, videos & photos
*Not available at Grasonville, MD-Clearfield, Shippenville, PA-Saluda, VA
Unli Ultrafast
~Extreme Users
*Heavy gamers
*15-18 devices connected at once
*Provides max bandwidth & speed for sharing files, videos & photos
*D3.1 Modem required
*NH, ME, CT & OH markets will be less expensive than other markets at EDP due to competetive nature of these markets
*Not available at Grasonville, MD-Clearfield, Shippenville, PA-Saluda, VA
Unli Gigafast
~Intense Users
*Heavy gamers, streamers, high bandwidth users
*20+ devices connected at once
*Provides max bandwidth & speed for sharing files, videos & photos
*D3.1 Modem required
*NH, ME, CT & OH markets will be less expensive than other markets at EDP due to competetive nature of these markets
*Not available at Grasonville, MD-Clearfield, Shippenville, PA-Saluda, VA
Wireless & Gig Speeds
Wireless Devices >It is important to know that cx will not get the full 1G speed w/ wireless devices
>To get the fastest possible network speeds, a computer or other devices must be connected directly to the modem using ethernet cable
>When using wireless devices, cx can expect faster speeds than other wireless access
Important Equipment Rule
> a DOCSIS (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification) 3.1 model is required to get Unli Ultrafast & Unli Gigafast
> TiVO cx that upgrade to Unli Ultrafast or Unli Gigafast will be issued a 3.1 gateway. This is an all-in-one devices capable of internet/phone/MoCA (Multimedia over Coaxial Alliance)/Wireless (Cx can lease a 3.1 gateway or purchase their own gateway w/ out Tivo gear
>Cx Owned MOdel Requirement w/ TivO Gear: The cx modem must be a D3 (okay for slower speeds under 400mbps) or a D3.1 (required for faster speeds over 400mbps) Breezeline recommends D3.1 for TiVo gear. A cx owned modems used for TiVO gear must be "MoCA enabled & IPv6 compliant"
>If cx is using owned modem w/ TiVO gear, explain requirements above, this ensure seamless installation and ability to install multiple outlets of TiVO gear like 3 smartboxes or a TiVO DVR w/ 4 Minis
Note: If cx owned modem without a MoCA network, TiVO gear is limited to one outlet (1 smartbox or TiVO DVR) additional outlets require a MoCA network enabled modem
3.1 Modem Equipment (All-in-one)
1. Arris TG3452
2. Technicol or CGM 4231
3. Hitron CODA4589
Home Networking
Connects all internet devices through a wireless outer
*We will provide a 3.1 gateway
*Devices will be connected wirelessly using superpods or ethernet cables
~Fiber-optic internet allows transmission in the form of light rather tahn electricity
*Optical Fiber - is a flexible transparent fiber made by drawing glass
*Last Mile - fiber runs from the core line directly to the home
*ONT (Optical Network Terminal) sends signal to the cx via ethernet connection or over wifi